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Trained as an architect (B.Sc 2020 and M.Arch 2023) and engineer (B.Eng 2015) Reda Berrada currently works as a researcher at EPFL in the Arts of Sciences (LAPIS) and Theory and Project of Domestic Space (TPOD) laboratories. His research interest lies in critically assessing the city as a ‘project’ by looking at the relationships between body, space, and territory through literature, iconography, and fieldwork. This essay follows up on topics of previously published works: “Capital Exclusion —Forestier and the Espaces Libres” on the urban policies in Rabat during the French protectorate (1912-1956), that led to the proletarianization of the Moroccan rural population, and Interzone: an ecology of the Strait, exploring the potential of interstitial spaces in the port city of Tangier, as vessels for inclusive and dissident practices deeply rooted into the soil.

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